Justice-Involved Pro Bono Program Overview

The U.S. justice system incarcerates a disproportionate number of people who demonstrate significant mental health needs. 

Over half of the people incarcerated in prisons and two-thirds of people incarcerated in jails experience current or a history of mental health struggle, and yet, only one-third of incarcerated people receive treatment (1). 

However, we also know incarceration can make mental health struggles worse, and many of those incarcerated lose health insurance upon release, making mental health care inaccessible after incarceration and leaving those trying to reintegrate into society at a greater risk of suicide, overdose, or relapse into criminal behavior (2). 

Free Virtual Therapy Sessions

Khesed exists to eliminate the barriers to mental healthcare, which is why we are providing free mental health therapy sessions to the justice-involved community as an alternative option to the criminal justice system in partnership with Caring for Denver Foundation

Each participant will receive 20 free mental health therapy sessions to address mental health struggles and promote rehabilitation over a minimum three month period.

Upon completion of the program, participants will have the opportunity to continue care through one of our other pro bono programs (ex: justice-involved individuals pursuing recovery from substance misuse may enroll in our Khesed Recovery Program, receiving a minimum of 12 and up to 24 additional free sessions to support their recovery) or our Affordable Therapy Program, which is the most affordable long-term out-of-pocket mental health therapy option nationally. 

If you have been involved in the justice system, or are reintegrating back into society after incarceration, contact us today to get in touch with one of our therapists.

Caring for Denver Foundation is on a mission to address mental health and substance misuse needs in the city with community-informed solutions.

This program is currently at capacity. Please sign up for the waitlist and stay tuned for updates.