Denver Substance Use Recovery Pro Bono Program

Khesed Wellness has received a grant from Caring for Denver Foundation to fill the greatest gap in mental health care access in Denver - ongoing affordable (and free) therapy for substance use recovery.

Substance use disorder is a chronic and relapsing condition characterized by the compulsive use of a substance despite harmful consequences. A person with a substance use addiction has a strong and difficult-to-control urge to use the substance, which can lead to a range of negative effects on their health, relationships, work, and overall well-being.

Substance use addiction can develop from the repeated use of various drugs, including alcohol, opioids, marijuana, stimulants, and sedatives, among others.

Therapy can play a critical role in recovering from addiction. It can help individuals understand the underlying causes of their addiction, develop coping strategies to prevent relapse, and make positive changes in their behavior and relationships. Successful treatment often requires ongoing management and support to avoid relapse and maintain long-term recovery.

According to a recent report by the Colorado Health Institute, about 80,000 Coloradans didn’t receive needed substance use treatment in 2021 because of stigma and lack of affordability. In addition, the Denver Metro area had higher rates of alcohol and drug use than the state average.

We are providing 24 FREE mental health therapy sessions to those pursuing recovery from substance use addictions. Because of this partnership, 100 Denver residents will receive one year of free therapy sessions.

In order to qualify, participants must meet the following criteria:

  • Age 18+

  • Reside in Denver City or County

  • Seeking individual counseling

  • Navigating a substance use addiction

  • Complete a pre- and post-survey

Each participant will receive 24 FREE sessions to support their pursuit of recovery from substance use. Upon completion of the program, participants have the option to continue services through our other ongoing affordable or free programs. Submit an intake form and schedule an appointment to get started.

Caring for Denver Foundation was founded and funded with overwhelming voter support to address Denver’s mental health and substance misuse needs by growing community-informed solutions, dismantling stigma, and turning the community’s desire to help into action.