Helping Professionals Pro Bono Program

Khesed Wellness knows that mental health and wellness are essential to providing good care, and yet many helping professionals experience high levels of stress and exhaustion and meet criteria for burnout.

We believe caregivers need care too, which is why we are providing FREE mental health therapy sessions for uninsured and underinsured workers in the helping professions.

Why do helping professionals need mental health support?

Almost 60% of American workers experience elements of burnout, and we lean on professionals in medical, mental health, social work, holistic wellness, and at-home caregiving fields to support us when we need it most.

Unfortunately, burnout among these professions is even greater. 67% of mental health workers experience high levels of burnout. Helping professionals face difficult barriers in accessing the mental health care they need for themselves, including stigma, financial constraints, and inadequate insurance coverage.

In order to qualify, participants must meet the following criteria:

  • Employed in the medical, mental health, social work, or holistic wellness industries, or if you are an at-home caregiver

  • Seeking individual outpatient therapy up to weekly sessions

Each participant will receive 4 FREE sessions. Upon completion of the program, participants have the option to continue services through our other ongoing affordable or free programs.

This program is currently at capacity. Help the helpers by supporting the expansion of this program with a waitlist of over 50 clients.