The History of Khesed Wellness

When our Founder & CEO was a graduate student early in the pursuit of their clinical mental health career, they needed counseling support and quickly realized they were unable to afford it. Unfortunately, their story is common.

They were able to receive the support they needed because of a therapist who offered them free services. Since that experience, they have been on a mission to make mental health and wellness services affordable for the underinsured. Khesed is built upon the philosophy that living kindness spreads, which is why 10% of our services are also offered pro bono for those who cannot afford help.

Driving home from their mental health job one day, they passed a business with an empty parking lot, and it clicked! Most organizations have unused space. Everyone deserves access to mental health and wellness services they can afford. It takes a community to spread kindness, and we have more than enough space in our communities to make it happen.

Mental Health and Wellness Services

Khesed Wellness makes outpatient mental health and wellness services affordable for the underinsured by partnering with organizations that have part-time unused space for Khesed sites. Since the moment it clicked in 2016, Khesed has spread throughout Colorado and into additional states, partnering with numerous therapists, providing services through site partnerships with local organizations, and believing that living kindness is the key to mental health and wellness for all.