Finding Fulfillment in Alone Time

Think of a time when you were alone and it felt really, really good. Were you a teenager who loved having the house to yourself? Did you go on a solo trip somewhere you’ve always dreamed of? Do you have a weekend ritual of grabbing a coffee and going for a long walk at the park?

Being alone doesn’t have to be lonely; it can be freeing. Finding joy in your relationship with yourself is healthy and adds value to your daily life. It’s important to be able to recognize when you need time alone and find something you enjoy to make the most of it.

It can be challenging to learn how to enjoy spending time alone. For those that feel energized by social interactions, being alone may sound boring. You’d rather be hanging out with friends or spending quality time with family. You may not realize you need a break until you actually get one.

For others, time alone may feel like an absolute necessity. You know you need time to recharge after being social and crave alone time after a long day of meetings or a party. It can be easy to drift into isolation and you may even need someone to pull you away to realize you’ve had a little too much alone time.

Whether you crave time alone or could do without it most days, alone time can be restful, energizing, inspiring, or nourishing. How can you cultivate a sense of freedom in time spent with yourself? Here are seven ways to help you find fulfillment in alone time:

1. Practice gratitude for what you have: When you’re able to appreciate the smaller things in life, you may find deeper meaning within your day-to-day. Deeper meaning can open the door to a deeper sense of happiness, joy, and contentment.

2. Make plans for your future: So you’re alone now but don’t want to be that way forever. Fantastic. Make plans for that to happen. Create a board to visualize the life you dream of having. When you see the daily visual reminders, your subconscious will work toward making those visions a reality. 

3. Self-acceptance: When you do the work and learn how to love and accept yourself right here, right now, your stress levels decrease and your endorphins increase.

4. Learn to appreciate the present: Live in the moment. Stop living for the next best thing. Being present in the here and now can teach you to appreciate the tiny moments and goodness around you, even if you envision a different future for yourself.

5. Practice self-love: Self-love doesn’t have to mean an extravagant day at the spa. (Though, that does sound incredibly rejuvenating.) Self-love can be practiced through positive self-talk and encouragement.

6. Stop comparing yourself to others: Comparing yourself to others does not serve you. It can be difficult not to get lost in a doom scroll, but what we see on social media is typically a curated highlight reel meant to showcase the best moments. Perception is not always reality.

7. Get out of your comfort zone: While it is a comfortable place to be, a comfort zone can also keep you stagnant. When was the last time you tried something new? Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone can build confidence, ignite creativity, and create space for new connections.

How often do you intentionally spend time alone? What’s your favorite way to spend that time? Tell us below!