My Kind of Town, Chicago Is…

Khesed’s Illinois State Manager Dawnn shares a personal story about where her passion for mental health stemmed, why accessible therapy in Chicago matters - especially on the South Side, and how Khesed aligns with her values.

I can't ever pass up an opportunity to watch "Pretty Woman". I live my life by movie quotes and those closest to me know which movies are my favorites. I can also sing television sitcom theme songs and commercial jingles from the 1980s. But that's an easy (and kind of weird) part of me to talk about. The harder topics to discuss are the things that influenced me to become a therapist and to connect with Khesed Wellness.

My interest in the position of Illinois State Manager can be traced to my experiences as far back as more than 30 years ago. My initial fascination can be linked to a superb psychology class instructor in high school, my specific interest is much more personal. My early memories of therapy are painful.

I was only 12 years old, and my 8th grade art teacher convinced my parents that I needed to be engaged in counseling for survivors of sexual abuse. Even the weeks leading up to my first appointment were stressful because at school I was dealing with the embarrassment of having had a moment of hysteria in the girl’s bathroom, which led to the discussion with my art teacher about a very frightening, painful sexual experience with a family associate that summer. At home with my parents, there was a lot of tension because of conversations (or lack thereof) about the abuse, frustration at the circumstances, and a general lack of understanding about the process and importance of emotional health. Plus, the cost of therapy was not something my parents had considered in the household budget. The counseling sessions at the local “Y” were uncomfortable because I was the only black person in the group and my experience didn’t sound at all like the others in my unit.   

For some people, these experiences would have been enough to stop any further engagement with mental health services. For me, it was a catalyst that hasn’t slowed momentum since.

When it comes to mental health care, my passion lies with underserved communities such as the LGBTQIA community, folks who are insecurely housed, and low-income neighborhoods in Chicago, particularly on the south side. I grew up in the near South suburbs but have lived in Chicago (on the South Side) since I was 19 years old.

For someone who needs mental health services, living on the South Side presents a challenge. Almost all care (for far more than mental health) is found on the North Side. Sadly, the city of Chicago is the most segregated city in the U.S., so most of the people who are impacted and being neglected are people of color and low-income communities.

Building a robust mental health linkage system in a city like Chicago is going to take a lot of effort. Over the years, conversations amongst major corporations and other businesses have shifted from, “That’s not our problem,” to, “What can we do to help?” This is promising but it's only the beginning. There is more work to be done.

The mental health system in the United States is stretched. The mental health system in Chicago is overwhelmed. Children, adults, and older adults in Chicago need access to mental health services but, sadly, for many folks, it is a luxury that falls far outside of the scope of necessary expenses.

Here is how Khesed is doing its part. We offer affordable mental health services. And when we say affordable, we mean affordable. Khesed Wellness therapy services are offered for $60/session, and we know that for some folks that is still out of reach. Therefore Khesed’s pro bono programs are highlighted in the organization’s DNA, ethic, and values.

Does it sound too good to be true? Trust me, I thought so, too. That is until I visited the website and learned about the different programs Khesed offers to back their claim.

Our clinicians are ready to do the work. We offer virtual and in-person options for appointments.

We’re here, Chicago! Now, let’s get to work!

My early experience at the “Y” could have derailed my passion for mental health and wellness. But it’s good to know that there are others to partner with in the work of making mental health services affordable. Khesed is the real deal! And as Khesed expands to Illinois, I am glad to partner with Khesed Wellness to show the world why Chicago is (still) My Kind of Town!